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BLOG...what's happening?

I will post into the categories below. The Wide Angle posts will be ad hoc, however, I will try to approach the more specific posts in a progressive and timely manner. I will open the post on the lead up to a purchase, before arriving at a wild camp or a port-of-call, or preparing for an event and then add comments to that particular post both during and after the expedition. 


Wide Angle: Mixed subjects!

My Gear: Why did I choose the item? How did it perform? Do I keep it or switch it out?

Wild Camp: Co-ordinates/Expectations and Impressions!  Rating 1 to 10

Port-of-Call: Co-ordinates/Expectations and Impressions! Worth it...not worth it?

Feelings: How am I doing? 

Copyright and Design Copyright: Douglas Squarek, all rights reserved, OVERCOASTER, ARROCAT, SEAMARAN, SEASTAR, CHALEX-SPA, and are Trade Marks of Douglas Squarek.

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