II am adding more in-depth information on each of my art categories below as I have time,
II am adding more in-depth information on each of my art categories below as I have time,
INTERIOR...a bright, functional haven!
I don't want the interior to come off as an afterthought or just another "standard build". The interior should be a 4S Solution: simple, smart, sustainable and personally satisfying. And I will be the one at fault if it isn't. Here are some early interior views.
...an inviting entryway!
I really love the unifying White Birch of the side walls and the cabinetry. I designed in a skinny sideboard at the front. I will showcase my Japanese Tenkara, reel-less fly rods above it. I have carried over the rounded door design and hardware for the front cabinets.
There is a one inch lip so things don't slide off; like bamboo baskets for odds and ends.
...a cozy sleep system!
Further, since the sleep combo doesn't take up the full interior length I opted for a richer tone birch to achieve a subtle shade difference for the ceiling and front aerodynamic shape. All the wood surfaces will have the same finish.
My decision to go with a 36"W by 72"L Japanese Tatami Mat and Shikifuton combo as my sleep system has been pivotal. The floor of the SeaStar is 58.5"W and 79.5"L which means I have 22.5" by 79.5 available at all times as my off-weather studio area. And of course the Japanese sleeping system tri-folds out of the way as well.
...my rainy-day blog station!
I realize I don't quite have the proportions right, but there will be ample room for a 21 inch wide Tatami chair and an adjustable bamboo table. My WIFI booster will be centered here
I have opted for a dark grey plank, grounded look, for the floor covering since there is a lot of the floor showing.
My bedding colors and motif will bring it all together. I will use insulated, roll-down, black-out blinds for the door and side windows and will add them to the design once I find ones I like.
I am eager to see it all finished.
Copyright and Design Copyright: Douglas Squarek, all rights reserved, OVERCOASTER, ARROCAT, SEAMARAN, SEASTAR, CHALEX-SPA, and are Trade Marks of Douglas Squarek.